Dr. Leo Rajan Pereira

Courses undertaken:
- Regents, TASC, GED, AP Courses (Higher Sec.)
- Physics, Chemistry (undergrad level)
- Math, Statistics (Grad level)
- Music (Western & Carnatic) (Grad Level)
- Finance, Economics, Accounting, Management (Grad Level)
- Quantitative research, Finance, Management, Economics, Statistics, SPSS, NVivo, R-Prog (Doctoral Level)
The long-time US-educated post-doctoral research scholar, author, educator, musician, and entrepreneur lives in New York City for over three decades. During all these periods, he was fully focused and dedicated to his studies, re-learning, teaching, and research. That causes to strain many friendships and relationships, and also put a heavy burden on financial resources since the university education in the US is very costlier. But that is just one side of an incredible feat in the US. Many of his relatives in other countries only heard about him and did not meet him during this very long period.
From the New York City department of Education to the world of corporate finance and stock market, he had seen all kinds of breeds. For the last few decades, day in and day out, it was a period of challenges, test of mental and emotional grit and character. However, he never allowed any irrational things to divert his mission.
Finally, he earned his Ph.D. from the U.S. Ph.D. is the doctoral research degree, the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve from a university. Becoming an independent researcher in quantitative methods needs a lot of dedication and character unlike doing a “backyard questionaire” in qualitative research. Analyzing the entire financial data (Q4 2007 to Q3 2018, 11 years) of 56 large-cap corporations from Adobe to Walmart listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq is not an easy task by any means. That huge challenge is what he accepted for his doctoral research.
Here is the faculty and industry acclaimed dissertation that was copyrighted at the U.S. Federal US Copyrights.
Dissertation at Google Scholar >>>
Various Challenging and Fulfilling Roles
Our founder, Dr. Leo Rajan Pereira is the third-generation educator in his family whose passionate teaching career started in 1984 while doing his master’s degree in mathematics. Earlier, he held the New York State (7-12) license in mathematics. Successfully prepared and implemented individualized educational plans (IEP) for many students in New York City. And also evaluated various New York State Regents Examinations.
For about four decades of teaching experience at various levels from high school to university in different subjects such as calculus, physics, music, accountancy, statistics, finance, and management, he experimented many educational methods and develop his educational philosophy.
With a doctoral degree and three master’s degrees in addition to 21 graduate credits in education from different universities in the U.S., our founder is fully equipped and knowledgeable. He proved to be worthy as an eminent educator.
testLEARNtest is one of his visionary projects that facilitate high standard education at various subjects that can be easily accessed and efficiently utilized by students through online/mobile technology from anywhere.
The well acclaimed dissertation titled, “Implications of Non-tangible Assets and Macroeconomic Parameters on Long-term Stock Performance,” showed that Dr. Leo Rajan Pereira is a qualified independent researcher. It is an industry standard research in quantitative methods on New York Stock Market data and macroeconomic parameters of the U.S. from Q4 2007 to Q3 2018.
The powerful big data analytics program of IBM, R-programming, and Python were employed for analyzing 44 quarters’ (11 years) entire financial data of 56 large-cap corporations listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. The 56 corporations included in the study are from AAPL to WMT.
Findings: The extensive scientific study had evidence that the Weak-form Efficient Market Hypothesis of Eugine Fama, the 2013 Nobel Prize winner did not hold true in today’s economic conditions in the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.
After the approval of academic and industry leaders, his doctoral research was copyrighted at the U.S. Copyrights and published at ProQuest. In this doctoral research, Dr. Pereira proved his expertise in quantitative research methods, applied statistics, corporate finance, and analytical programs. Presently, he is undertaking many research projects, employing stock market analytics, and also publishing his research in various academic journals.
Academic Books:
- Grade X – Mathematics for Secondary School Students (1986)
- Applied Science and Mathematics for ITI (1987)
Research Related Work/Working Papers
- Correlation between Non-tangible Assets and the Stock Price of S&P 500 Stocks: A Comprehensive Study
- The Stock Market Fluctuations at NYSE and Nasdaq during COVID-19 Pandemic
As a passionate student, he chose different subjects such as mathematics, econometrics, finance, management, business law, statistics, and education for his masters’ degrees. He continued his studies for many decades in various universities in the U.S. Ultimately, he scored a perfect GPA (4.0/4.0) for all the Ph.D. programs prior to the doctoral dissertation. The consistent performance for the doctoral degree over a long period of tough time is the test of character.
In addition to academics, he was inclined to technology from childhood. He studied programming languages such as BASIC, Fortran, dBase and COBOL in the early 80’s. The very first TV he watched is the one he made by himself after completing a diploma program in electronics. Instead of manufacturing TVs after applying for manufacturing license from the P&T Department, he went on to complete a 4-year diploma in music. That rigorous training resulted in forming a lot of order and discipline. That is that.
Education is a great investment if you choose a right discipline and the returns are high in the long run. In the U.S., for M.BA., M.Phil., and Ph.D., tuition fees cost him over $500,000.00 in the last decade. If you do not want to invest at least 500th of it for your child’s education for a worthy training to build a solid foundation, what do you expect in the future? Simply watching the shows, believing in dogma, or creating false confidence only make them slaves and later dysfunctional and unworthy.
Being a passionate student and an educator who invested a lot of resources in education, he could give great opportunity to his child and many others by efficiently providing a solid foundation. The simple fact is, “a solid foundation is required to build something worthy and lasting.” Please do not blame your parents, if they cannot provide that foundation because the society had taken away their rational thinking. However, I extend my hand to lift you up.
Enroll today at testLEARNtest without losing any more time.
As a parent, Dr. Pereira finds fulfillment in his daughter’s success. He took control of her education from an early stage even if he was a licensed educator in New York City. By law, education is not the responsibility of a teacher, but parents’. For the preparation, he attended so many graduate courses in education, conferences, and workshops conducted/sponsored by United Federation of Teachers and the New York City Department of Education where he was working. Within six months, he earned 21 graduate credits in education by taking different courses in various universities at evenings and weekends during 2002-03. Dr. Leo Pereira asks, “Hey teachers, if you cannot teach/facilitate your own child, how could you teach/facilitate somebody’s children?”
By homeschooling his daughter for many years, he saved over $200,000.00 for the New York City and New York State. The IEPs were prepared according to the performance standards of elite schools in the world and implemented efficiently. The result: Selection at the Stuyvesant High School, the most sought specialized high school (STEM) in New York City where the admittance rate was 2.3%, harder than Harvard (5.4%).
The solid academic background provided made her life easy at high school so that she could focus on musical performances and enjoy her time. From the Freshman year, she conducted many full-fledge musicals such as Grease, My Fair Lady, and West Side Story. Finally, she performed Handel’s Messiah at the Lincoln Center in 2003.
What more to add? Let the 1098-T of 2019 speaks for itself about the scholarships she earned consistently in an accelerated master’s degree in computer science. Scholarship is $40,610.00 for 2019. That is INR 33.7 lakhs per year. The accelerated master’s program is meant for ‘brilliant heavy lifters’ who could finish the six years undergrad and grad program within four and half years. This provided the opportunity to save one and half years and job-ready earlier in computer programming.
Our founder and CEO, Dr. Leo Rajan Pereira is the visionary for a positive change through facilitating the high standard education efficiently. Various technologies are used for instructional design, delivery, assessment, and management.
At first, he spent many decades for his preparation. Learned many subjects at various universities in the U.S. since he believes that the real change should come from within. Many researches show most students are going to universities to learn high school lessons and paying enormous fees or becoming slaves of student loans for life. With fraction of that fees, students could acquire more knowledge at testLEARNtest.
The world is very different today than a decade back. Most corporations focus on instant gratification, want people to be ignorant commodities. They hire cheap labor from the developing world and neglect the fellow Americans. Now, testLEARNtest focus on making the youth more productive through facilitating highest standard education because they are the most useful resources for the future of our nation. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” said Nelson Mandela
What are you waiting for? Enroll today at testLEARNtest.
Browse Courses
- Calculus AB
- Calculus BC
- Physics Algebra-based
- Physics Calculus-based
- Mechanics & Physics
- Electricity & Magnetism
- Music Theory
GED Math
Carnatic Music
Regents Math
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
AP Courses
- Calculus AB
- Calculus BC
- Physics Algebra-based
- Physics Calculus-based
- Mechanics & Physics
- Electricity & Magnetism
- Music Theory